How to Train Your Dog: From Basic Commands to Advanced Tricks

Teaching your furry friend how to be obedient and how to follow all of your comments is crucial. This practice is a must because it will strengthen the bond that you and your pet have, but it will also teach your canine that you are the leader.

There are many things that you can teach your top, however, you need to know how to properly train them, and which are the more basic and which are the more advanced commands you can give them. Keep on reading to learn how to properly train them, and how to ensure they are happy, healthy, and well-behaved members of your household.

Begin with the fundamentals 

The first thing you need to do is start with the easiest things to perform. These are the essential instructions that your hound needs to learn, such as sit, stay, come, and heel. These instructions provide a solid foundation for more advanced training.

To teach your canine these fundamental directions, it is best to use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your pup for doing the right thing, rather than punishing them for doing the wrong thing. When your dog obeys a command, praise them with treats, affection, and verbal cues.

You have to give your canine a reason to obey

give your canine a reason to obey

Treats are an excellent way to reward your canine for good behavior. When your hound obeys a direction, offer them a treat as a reward. This positive reinforcement encourages your pup to repeat the behavior in the future.

When selecting treats, opt for healthy options that are low in calories and easy to chew. Avoid treats that are high in fat, sugar, or salt, as they can be detrimental to your furry friend’s health.

The treats you give them should depend on the exact breed you have chosen, and on you can explore different breeds and pets if you are looking for a new family member, or if you want to get more info on how you can be a better pet parent. 

Remember that you cannot give up

Consistency is vital when training your canine. You need to use the same instructions and rewards every time you train your hound. This helps your pup understand what you want them to do and what they can expect in return.

It is also important to be consistent with your training schedule. Set aside a specific time each day to train your canine and stick to it as closely as possible. This helps your dog develop a routine and makes training a part of their daily life.

Don’t overwhelm your puppy by forcing them to train for too long

Don’t overwhelm your puppy by forcing them to train for too long

Hounds have short attention spans, so it is best to keep training sessions short and sweet. Aim for sessions that last no longer than 10-15 minutes at a time. This helps to keep your canine focused and prevents them from becoming bored or frustrated.

Know that if you force longer sessions, you will not achieve anything more or anything faster. You don’t want to push them too much, especially when they are still young, and you don’t want to confuse them with too many directions at once.

Avoid punishing your canine

Positive reinforcement is the most effective way to train your pup. This means rewarding your furry friend for good behavior, rather than punishing them for bad behavior. When your canine obeys a direction, praise them with treats, affection, and verbal cues. This encourages your hound to repeat the behavior in the future.

Don’t force them if they need time to learn a command

Don’t force them if they need time to learn a command

Training your pup takes time and patience. You cannot expect your canine to learn everything overnight. It is crucial to be patient and consistent with your training and remember that every dog learns at their own pace.

If your hound is struggling to learn a particular direction, take a step back and try again later. Break the instruction down into smaller steps and reward your canine for each step of progress. With patience and persistence, your furry friend will eventually learn the direction.

Let your puppy make friends

Socialization is a crucial part of training your pup. This means exposing your canine to different people, animals, and environments, so they become comfortable and well-behaved in any situation.

Start socializing your hound as early as possible. Take them to puppy classes, parks, and other places where they can interact with other pups and people. This helps your canine develop social skills and become a well-rounded pet.

What are some basic and advanced commands?

Now that you know more about how to do this practice, let’s see what you can do to start slowly, and which are some of the techniques and directions are considered to be more advanced.

And the first thing that every pet owner is recommended to start with is sit. This is the most basic of instructions and this is something that you should start with if you don’t want to overwhelm your canine, and you still want to introduce them to listening to you and to being obedient. Keep in mind that you should give them a reward every time they obey, and it is recommended for you practice it several times per day.

The next basic direction that you should teach your canine is to stay, and you should introduce this as soon as they learn the first command. Once again, do it by rewarding them, and make sure you give them a treat every time they respect your comment.

When that is mastered, you can continue with the directions of teaching your puppy to come to you, as well as laying down. The best way to do this is by teaching them to react to one exact word, however, you can see what works best for your furry friend.

Once your pet masters this basic instructions, and once they can do everything and follow every direction you give, you can move to the more advanced practices. One thing that you should always remember is that depending on their age, it may be too early to introduce advanced practices.

Make sure that you pay attention to their specific needs, breed, as well as age and if needed, talk to your pet’s vet to ensure what is the best time to introduce these directions.

Some of the more advanced directions you can give include heel, drop it, leave it, speak, stay quiet, or even play dead. Some of these directions and methods are used to better train your canine, especially when it comes to your safety as well as theirs, while others are used just as entertainment.

For example, heel is used when you want to teach your puppy to walk right next to you every time you take them out on a walk, speak, stay quiet, and play dead, are most commonly used when you want to have some fun time with your puppy, and drop it as well as leave it are used to train your furry friend not to take everything they see on the street that may turn out to be extremely dangerous for them.

In conclusion, training your dog is a vital aspect of pet ownership. From basic obedience directions to advanced tricks, there are countless things you can teach your dog to help them become a well-behaved and happy member of your household. Remember to be consistent, use positive reinforcement, and be patient with your furry friend.